
Frends templates for files. File templates allow to perform common file and directory operations.
This template process reads customer information from a JSON file in the local fileshare and creates or updates the customers in Salesforce as contacts.
Using this template, you can insert or update customers into Salesforce as contacts.
This template assumes that the following prerequisites are in place:
This template reads a JSON file from the local fileshare containing customer data and creates or updates the customers as contacts into Salesforce.
Process variables include fields for the Salesforce credentials and the path to the input file.
Sample JSON data:
"Email": "",
"Fax": "12345678",
"FirstName": "First",
"LastName": "Customer",
"MailingCity": "Helsinki",
"MailingCountry": "Finland",
"MailingPostalCode": "00100",
"MailingStreet": "Example Street 1",
"MailingState": "Uusimaa",
"OtherCity": "Espoo",
"OtherCountry": "Finland",
"OtherPostalCode": "02250",
"OtherStreet": "Example Lane 5",
"OtherState": "Uusimaa",
"OtherPhone": "1122334455",
"MobilePhone": "0033445566",
"HomePhone": "0011223344",
"Phone": "0022334455",
"Salutation": "Mrs.",
"Title": "CEO",
"Description": "This is a very important customer.",
"AssistantName": "Mr. Smith",
"AssistantPhone": "0044332211"
"Email": "",
"Fax": "87654321",
"FirstName": "Second",
"LastName": "Customer",
"MailingCity": "London",
"MailingCountry": "United Kingdom",
"MailingPostalCode": "12345",
"MailingStreet": "Example Lane 3",
"MobilePhone": "+123123213",
"Phone": "+321321321",
"Salutation": "Dr.",
"Title": "Vice President",
"Description": "This is a business partner.",
"AssistantName": "Ms. Green",
"AssistantPhone": "0011223344"
This template checks for errors after each task, and proceeds accordingly. If an error is encountered when e.g., creating a contact into Salesforce, the process moves on to the next customer and an error message is appended to the error variable which is displayed at the end of the process.
If transient errors are expected, retries for the file read and Salesforce connections can be configured in the tasks.
InputPath | The path to the JSON file that contains the customer data. |
SalesforceUser | The username for Salesforce. |
SalesforcePassword 🗝 | The password for the Salesforce user. |
SalesforceSecurityToken 🗝 | The security token for your Salesforce instance. |
SalesforceClientID | The client ID for Salesforce. |
SalesforceClientSecret 🗝 | The client secret for Salesforce. |
SalesforceBaseURL | The base URL for Salesforce, ending in |